SPARQL Endpoint
Extractor, allows the user to extract RDF triples from a SPARQL endpoint using a CONSTRUCT query.
- Endpoint
- URL of the SPARQL endpoint to be queried
- MIME type
- MIME type to be used in the Accept header of the HTTP request made by RDF4J to the remote endpoint
- Query for extraction of triples from the endpoint
The SPARQL Endpoint component queries a remote SPARQL endpoint using a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query. It can be configured at runtime using RDF configuration, which can be generated by another component. The MIME type setting can be useful to overcome certain serialization bugs present in some SPARQL endpoint implementations.
Runtime configuration
Below you can see sample runtime configuration for the component, which includes specification of default graph IRIs. You can also import a sample pipeline. Note that RDF blank nodes are not allowed in runtime configurations.
@prefix se: <> .
<http://localhost/config> a se:Configuration ;
se:query "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o}" ;
se:endpoint <> ;
se:defaultGraph <> ;
se:defaultGraph <> .