Graph store protocol

Loader, allows the user to store RDF triples in a SPARQL endpoint using the SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol.

Selection of the target repository type. This is due to different behavior among implementations
Graph Store protocol endpoint
URL of the graph store protocol endpoint
Target graph IRI
IRI of the RDF graph to which the input data will be loaded
Clear target graph before loading
When checked, replaces the target graph by the loaded data
Log graph size
When checked, the target graph size before and after the load is logged
User name
User name to be used to log in to the SPARQL endpoint
Password to be used to log in to the SPARQL endpoint


RDF single graph - Input
RDF single graph - Configuration
Look in pipeline
Graph store protocol
Sample pipeline

The Graph store protocol component takes the input RDF data and loads it to a remote SPARQL endpoint using the SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol. Unfortunately, the implementation of this standard varies throughtout triplestores, this is why you need to choose the target implementation and why this component will probably not work with any other implememtation.

Runtime configuration

Below you can see sample runtime configuration for the component. You can also import a sample pipeline. Note that RDF blank nodes are not allowed in runtime configurations.

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

@prefix gsp: <> .

<http://localhost/resources/configuration> a gsp:Configuration ;
    gsp:checkSize true ;
    gsp:endpoint "http://localhost:3030/fuseki/data" ;
    gsp:endpointSelect "http://localhost:3030/fuseki/query" ;
    gsp:graph "http://localhost/test/graph" ;
    gsp:password "" ;
    gsp:replace true ;
    gsp:repository "FUSEKI" ;
    gsp:user "" .