File hasher
Transformer, which computes SHA-1 hash for each input file. The hash can be verified e.g. by the online calculator.
- ID
- t-filehasher
- Type
- transformer
- Inputs
- Files
- Outputs
- RDF single graph
- Look in pipeline
The File hasher component takes input files and for each one produces an SHA-1 hash.
Output sample
Below you can see sample output for this component.
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix spdx: <> .
@prefix fh: <> .
[] fh:fileName "test.txt" ;
spdx:checksum [
a spdx:Checksum ;
spdx:algorithm spdx:checksumAlgorithm_sha1 ;
spdx:checksumValue "1234567890abcdef"^^xsd:hexBinary
] .