Chunked RDF to File

Transformer, allows the user to convert chunked RDF data to an RDF file.

Output file name
File name under which the file will be visible in the pipeline, including extension.
Output format
RDF serialization of the output file.
IRI of the output graph
IRI of the only named graph that will be created from the input triples. Valid only for the RDF Quad formats.
Used prefixes as Turtle
Allows the user to insert prefixes declaration in Turtle format to be used in Turtle file output.


RDF single graph - Configuration
RDF chunked
Look in pipeline
Chunked RDF to File

The Chunked RDF to File component takes the chunked RDF data on the input and serializes it into a file in the chosen RDF serialization. The component also supports RDF quad serializations. However, so far, LP-ETL only supports RDF triples. Therefore, to produce a quad file, the IRI of the output graph has to be specified and all the input triples will be put into this graph.