SPARQL select
Transformer, allows the user to transform RDF data to a CSV file using a SELECT query.
- Query for transformation of triples
- ID
- t-sparqlselect
- Type
- transformer
- Inputs
- RDF single graph - Configuration
- RDF single graph - Input
- Outputs
- Files
- Look in pipeline
- Sample pipeline
- available
The SPARQL select component creates CSV data using a SPARQL SELECT query based on the input RDF data. It can be configured at runtime using RDF configuration, which can be generated by another component.
Runtime configuration
Below you can see sample runtime configuration for the component. You can also import a sample pipeline. Note that RDF blank nodes are not allowed in runtime configurations.
@prefix ss: <> .
<http://localhost/config> a ss:Configuration ;
ss:query "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o}" ;
ss:fileName "table.csv" .