Virtuoso loader

Special purpose component, allows the user to instruct OpenLink Virtuoso triplestore to load a file from the remote file system. Uses Virtuoso Bulk Loader functionality.

Virtuoso JDBC connection string
JDBC database connection string to connect to the Virtuoso iSQL port, e.g. jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111/charset=UTF-8/
Virtuoso user name
User name to Virtuoso (default in Virtuoso is dba)
Virtuoso password
Password to Virtuoso. Note that this is plain text and in no way secured. (default in Virtuoso is dba)
Remote directory with source files
Directory on the remote file system (local to Virtuoso) where the files to be loaded are located
Filename pattern to load
A filename pattern of files to load. This can be either a single file like data.ttl or a pattern such as data*.ttl
Target graph IRI
Target RDF graph for input triple files and default graph in quad files
Clear target graph before loading
When checked, executes SPARQL CLEAR GRAPH on the target graph before loading
Execute checkpoint
When checked, executes the checkpoint; command after loading. Otherwise, checkpoint will be executed as configured in the Virtuoso instance. If that instance crashes before checkpoint; is executed, the loaded data will be lost.
Number of loaders to use
Virtuoso can load multiple files in parallel. This specifies how many and it should correspond to the available number of cores on the server.
Status update interval in seconds
Interval for polling Virtuoso for load status update


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Virtuoso loader

The Virtuoso loader component instructs a remote instance of OpenLink Virtuoso to load a file or a directory using the Virtuoso Bulk Loader. It is recommended to use it together with Files to SCP to load larger RDF files (approx. > 5M triples) to Virtuoso, as the other methods, the SPARQL endpoint and the Graph store protocol, can cause Virtuoso to become unstable or crash.